What is ransomware?


Ransomware infiltration is the forefront among the malicious cybersecurity menace and with highest prevalence rate. This virus also represents a serious threat to all the individuals, including to organizations and governments - it may lead to the destruction of any critical part of infrastructure and services. With the help of internet there has been a lot of shrespreading of information and the most important thing to understand now is ransomware, how it behave and how to protect yourself from it.




Defining Ransomware


Ransomware is a variety of malicious software that requires a ransom to be paid before an entire computer or data is allowed to go through. The data is encrypted through utilize of encryption by the ransomware that makes the data inaccessible without a decryption key, which is what the attacker is promising to provide once after the ransom has been paid. While the ransom payment is risky, the guarantee for attackers' goodwill is unblind and one cannot tell what their attitude might be.


Relevance and Importance


Understanding the ransomware in depth is an indispensable key in the battle against it. With data being a precious asset in today's world, the ransomware attack's danger of causing serious financial damage, operational interruptions and damage to reputation is palpable and tangible. The sector will be under public pressure due to hacking attempts on giants like Google, Facebook, or Amazon as well as cyber attacks on internal networks of the hospitals, servers of city governments, etc. hence, stronger cyber security measures are crucial.


The Classes and Categories of the Ransomware.


Crypto Ransomware


Crypto malware in turn encrypts all files of the device, which make them hell-mouth for the computer users to handle without the key of decryption. For instance crypto rack and crypto locker are cited.


Locker Ransomware


The locker screen if a user is targeted by ransomware seals of the device completely, thus the user won't have access to the files or apps. For instance, the ransomware with the same name, which pretends to be police demanding pays, is one of the most popular ones.



Scareware applies a vulnerable approach which is driven by the fear of facing consequences if the demand is not met. It commonly poses as antivirus software or system optimization software telling the recruit that their system has fallen victim to malware.


Do ware

homeware can create doxing scenarios where it will have a threat to publish the victim's confidential data if he or she does not pays a fee. Such kind of ransomware brings this panic among business owners to avoid such information being exposed to the public especially if it is sensitive.


Ransomware-as-a-Service (Ragas)


RaaS stands for ransomware-as-a-service model, where trafficking of the illegal software is completed by outsourcing it to other cyber criminals. The possibility of launching ransomware attacks by individuals with no technical expertise, who had previously had no chance of realizing this malicious action on their own, has become a reality.


Symptoms and Effects of Ransomware Attacks


Sudden Inaccessibility of Files


One of the notorious warning signs of ransomware attacks is the unexpected failure of the software to open the files that were successfully open earlier.


Ransom Note Displayed


To be honest, a ransom note is some kind of news which is shown on the screen during most ransomware infections as it usually explains that the files are encrypted and asks for payment to free them.


Unusual System Behavior


Ransomware can lead to a straight up system slacking down, applications malfunctioning, or frequent pop-up pages.


Extensions Changed on Files


The extensions of files can get changed to a totally unfamiliar one through which it can be noticed that the ransomware has encrypted these files.


Causes and Risk Factors

Phishing Emails


Most ransomware is mailed to victims by phishing. The emails themselves are not harmful but the attachments or links in them are malicious. When clicked, this malware gets downloaded to the users system, giving the attacker control over the device.


Malicious Downloads

 Not paying enough attention, when downloading software or media from non trusted resources ransomware can penetrate to a system by mistake.

Exploiting Vulnerabilities


Ransomware does this by taking tricky advantage of known vulnerabilities in yesterday's software. To minimize this risk one should ensure application has all the latest security patches.


Cosine Microsoft RDP Attacks (for Remote Desktop Protocol).


Attackers can misuse RDP to unauthenticated entry the systems and they can even attempt to figure out login information by brute force attacks.


Diagnosis and Tests


Detection Software


The ransomware may be detected and deleted by the antivirus and anti-malware programs. The thing ubiquitous: annually and up-to-date security software programs.


Network Traffic Analysis


Distinctive peculiarities of the traffic flow within the network might be something which suggests a ransomware attack. Page tracers meeting network traffic can help with the identification of these abnormalities.


File Integrity Monitoring


The monitoring of the structural integrity of files can draw users to the possibility of unauthorized changes of the files system, which may mean that the system has been encrypted.


Treatment Options


Isolating the Infected System


Terminating the connection of an infected network to other gadgets can save other devices from falling into the same trap.


Restoring from Backups


Constantly keeping safe and secure backup is probably the most effective protection measure against ransomware attack without paying the ransom.


Decryption Tools


Security experts can design decryption programs that help to decodify some ransomware when a ransom code type can be identified.


Professional Assistance


Cybersecurity experts can be called to assess the situation in the event of a ransomware attack, excluding further spreading of the infection and enabling the restoration of the system.


Preventive Measures


Regular Backups


The most simple thing to do is a regular backup of all data to a separate copy or to the cloud. This way, one can always restore the data in case of an attack.


Security Awareness Training


For the very small risk of infection, the educating of your employees about the dangers of phishing or other common hacks, could be a stimulating factor impacting on the various cyber attacks.


Patch Management


It is thus essential that every piece of software we use is as latest as possible with security patches as it is this way that ransomware will not be given the opportunity to exploit the undiscovered backdoors.


Strong Password Policies


Then it’s wise you make its passwords as strong as possible and as unique as possible while the second factor authentication one if was available.